Thursday, October 16, 2008


Evidently, there is a phenomenon happening in the blog world: BLOG TAGGING. I've been tagged. But before that post can occur, there is something pretty exciting to share...TYELISA, one of my good friends from high school, came to CO and we got to hang out!!

She was staying at the beautiful Keystone Resort, so I begged (really she put up a fight!) her not to get a rental car and let me come get her. Some shots on the way in:

There is something super breath taking in simply the view of mountains. Add a cool, cloudy day and changing leaves and you have a loss of words. Then... see your friend, freak out, hug and remember you can speak again and say, "Tye, I can't believe you're here" a hundred times.
We decided it was cold and we should stop for coffee. Ended up in Georgetown, CO finding ourselves not only getting coffee, but celebrating the Aspen Festival with lots of Aspen lovers.

Tye was hilarious. She is in rare form if she is not found posing for a picture.
We found this park ont the way out of town that was pretty old, like late 1800's. They had just renovated parts of it, including the fence. After we left there, we decided to run onto the town median (note, there was only one) and take a picture with the sign---then darted to Denver and returned back in time for corn-hole, dinner at Jack Quinn's Irish pub, and an arcade game before Momma Mia:

not until this post did i realize how much we did in 29 hours, but there is no way to express how good it was to see Tye.

Funny story, we beat boxed for the kids because we didn't have a cd for the game at church. Haha. We got a kick out of it, but talk about some perplexed 5 year olds!

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