Friday, June 13, 2008

limb felling

i've been out in the yard for a while this morning. mowing, trying to figure out this grass thing, removing laundry from the line, etc. but my heart sank this morning as i was trying to cut away sprawling limbs off the tree in the back yard.

what made it difficult was probably all sparked by the fact that my cutting tool was much too small for some of the limbs. so excess bending and twisting all had to take place just to remove these innocent little limbs.

now understand that the reason i am doing this is so that water can project more than 2 inches from the sprinkler before hitting its nearest object. but, oh i hated this. this tree has so much life in all of its limbs. i even was pulling back the bark at one point to make the limb smaller...and it was wet. THERE WAS LIFE and i was chopping it away.

Then i instantly thought, "oh i need leslie gottschalk." not because she is a heartless person (for we know she is quite heartfelt involving creation), but surely she would have known a much less painful way to fell a limb.

none the less, the limbs are gone. and in trying to earn back my trust with nature i'm even trying to transplant (?) some wildflowers in the backyard that were reaching their roots underneath the driveway. it may be hazardous, but they have done no wrong.


Raleigh said...

i think the wildflower weed (wfw) looks wonderful in the backyard. it's planted where the wildflower seeds have refused to come up, so at least something will bloom and flourish there.

Leslie said...

I'm feeling the pain of the tree, Calli. Poor thing.